COINK is a financing app for Apple Watch, helping kids from 6 - 12 base their financial knowledge on and develop financial conscious through reward based tasks and small activities.
Created as a part of Visual Hierarchies/Affordances course, solo work, over the span of 4 weeks.
MY roles
UI/UX Design, Visual Design, Research, Empathy Map, Prototype
Individuals today have to be more responsible for their personal finances than ever before. The ever growing and vastness of “finance” has majority of the current generations overwhelmed and lost. With every individual having a varied level of understanding due to a different cultural and economic background, it is getting complicated to find ways to inculcate financial literacy. Moreover, the growth in financial technology is changing and in many ways, confusing the way people think about finance.
This gap in financial knowledge and the values associated with it is becoming more and more prevalent today. It becomes insistent that kids learn the importance of fiancial literacy in the right way suitable to their current needs and knowledge level.