Spotlight is a website for employees posting their job related things and learning growth for career in internal company or team. The purpose for this website is to show yourself, especially for female employees who suffer from gender stereotypes.
Created as a part of Human-centered Design course, in a team of 4, over the span of 10 weeks.
MY roles
UI/UX Design, Visual Design, Research, Empathy Map, Prototype, Usability Test
You can detect the glass ceiling is still something women face today. In 2019, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that women’s wages were 18 percent lower than men’s, on average, and a 2017 Pew Research Survey revealed that 42 percent of women in the United States report having faced workplace gender discrimination. Plus, when it comes to Fortune 500 companies, less than 9 percent of the firms’ CEO roles are occupied by women.
We didn't decide on a specific direction at first. After conducting basic research on the injustices suffered by women in the workplace and at home, we randomly interviewed people in the Forsyth park and identified common points from each person's experience to determine a more detailed direction and explore the deeper needs.
Check out Our full Process🔗
After interviewing 8+5 people, we summarized their answers and highlightened their needs by level, and finally came up with the need statement by affinity diagram.
Concept Iteration
Prototype Testing
We hand-drew all our interfaces and invited people to randomly conduct usability tests while recording all the feedbacks.
Final Design